Pope Francis condemns Islamist militants during landmark Albania visit

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Updated September 21, 2014 22:09:25

Pope Francis has delivered his strongest criticism of Islamist militants to date, saying no religious group which resorts to violence and oppression could claim to be 'the armour of God'.

The Pontiff's comments came during the first Papal visit to Albania in 21 years, where he met with the country's Muslim president, Bujar Nishani.

'Let no one consider themselves the 'armour' of God while planning and carrying out acts of violence and oppression,' Pope Francis said at the presidential palace in Tirana.

'May no one use religion as a pretext for actions against human dignity and against the fundamental rights of every man and woman, above all to the right to life and the right of everyone to religious freedom.'

On his first visit to a European nation outside Italy, Pope Francis made no direct reference to Islamic State militants, who have seized significant territory in Iraq and Syria, but it was clear he had events in the Middle East in mind.

Let no one consider themselves the 'armour' of God while planning and carrying out acts of violence and oppression.

About 70,000 Syrian Kurds have fled into Turkey since Friday, as Islamic State militants seized dozens of villages close to the border.

A Kurdish politician from Turkey said local people had told him the militants were beheading people as they went from village to village.

Islamic State has declared a 'caliphate' in the territories they control and have killed or driven out large numbers of Christians, Shiite Muslims and others who do not subscribe to their hardline version of Sunni Islam.

Asked specifically about Islamic State last month when, returning from a trip to South Korea, Pope Francis endorsed action by the international community to stop 'unjust aggression'.

Religious harmony a 'precious gift'

During his visit, Pope Francis hailed Albania is a model for inter-faith harmony.

He lauded mutual respect and trust between Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox Christians in the Balkan state as a 'precious gift' and a powerful symbol in today's world.

'This is especially the case in these times where an authentic religious spirit is being perverted by extremist groups and where religious differences are being distorted and instrumentalised,' the Pontiff said.

About 60 per cent of all Albanians are Muslim, while Roman Catholics account for just 10 per cent of the population.

Earlier, aboard the plane taking him on the short trip across the Adriatic from Rome to Tirana, the Pope said he wanted to visit Albania because it had 'suffered very, very much'.

The late communist dictator Envier Hoxha banned religion in 1967, driving Albania's Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim followers underground in his drive to create what he boasted was the world's first atheist state.

Nearly 2,000 churches, Orthodox and Catholic, were destroyed under Hoxha, whose paranoid rule lasted four decades until his death in 1985.

Many of the churches were turned into cinemas or dancing halls.

More than 100 Catholic priests or bishops were executed or died under torture or in labour camps.

Just 30 survived in what Pope Francis referred to in his address as 'a winter of isolation and persecution'.

Pope Francis's decision to choose poverty-ridden Albania instead of one of the continent's big Catholic powers for his first European trip as pontiff, is in keeping with a papacy that wants to give priority to the poor and the neglected.


Topics:religion-and-beliefs, catholic, islam, terrorism, unrest-conflict-and-war, albania

First posted September 21, 2014 22:07:47

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