Watch: KC makes its bid for the Republican National Convention

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This video was produced to help woo republicans to town to host their national convention here in 2016. Representatives from our area are in Washington, D.C., today to make their pitch.

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KMBC's Mike Mahoney reported that Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says business factors, not politics, will be the top factor in selecting the GOP's 2016 Convention city.

Several cities, including Kansas City, are making their pitches to the RNC Convention Selection Committee.

Also today with Kansas City are bidders from Columbus, Ohio, Denver, Phoenix and Cleveland.

The RNC postponed pitches from Las Vegas, Dallas, and Cincinnati because of poor weather in the Washington area.

Priebus says major factors in the business decision include the amount of money the host city can raise. That is expected to be around $50 million or more.

Other factors include transportation, including the ability to get delegates to and from the Convention hall promptly. Another factor will be hotel space.

Kansas City says it's offering more than 17,000 first class hotel rooms required by the RNC.

Troy Stremming of the Kansas City RNC effort says all delegates will be within 30 minutes of the Convention Hall at Sprint Center, if KC wins the convention.

The RNC is playing down the political impact of where the convention is held, Mahoney reported.

Priebus says it's more important the host city can have a successful convention to give the nominee a voice when it's over.

The Chairman, however, added he didn't think either party does a good jobs of generating volunteers for the fall campaign in the comvention's host state.

Priebus says part of the goal in preparing for 2016 is to shorten the primary season by having a convention room in late June or July.

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