Sanctions start to hit Russia's oligarchs

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Vladimir Putin said defiantly he would make sure his salary was transferred to a new account at Rossiya 'first thing Monday morning'. Photo: Reuters

European leaders have rushed through plans aimed at breaking the Kremlin's grip on gas and energy supplies, marking a fresh escalation in the emerging Cold War between Russia and the West.

The move came as the European Union slapped sanctions on 12 leading Russians in President Vladimir Putin's inner circle, and vowed ''additional and far-reaching'' action if he intervenes in eastern Ukraine or further destabilises the region.

The South Stream pipeline, intended to link the EU to Russia through the Black Sea by 2018, is now ''dead'', according to sources in Brussels, hitting contractors close to Putin. EU staff are to come up with plans to shield Europe from energy blackmail by Russia within 90 days, finding ways to prevent front-line states being picked off one by one. Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said in Brussels that the West must stop Russia deploying energy as a ''new nuclear weapon''.

The radical shift in EU energy policy comes as Russia feels the chill of US sanctions imposed on Thursday. The share prices of companies linked to oligarchs on the US blacklist plummeted on the Moscow bourse.

Gas group Novatek, owned by Putin ally Gennady Timchenko, has dropped 16 per cent since he was named. Timchenko has had to sell his 43 per cent stake in Gunvor, the world's fourth largest oil trader, to his partner in order to save Novatek.

Visa and MasterCard halted transactions for Bank Rossiya. Putin said defiantly he would make sure his salary was transferred to a new account at Rossiya ''first thing Monday morning''.

''Until yesterday people thought there would be two months of shouting and then we get back to business, but nobody is quite sure any more,'' one Moscow banker said.

''What's worrying the markets is that there will be more US sanctions. Russian companies are extremely vulnerable. The real fragility is whether they can roll over their debts.''

Tim Ash, from Standard Bank, said Washington was determined to make Putin pay for changing Europe's borders by force, and would increase ''stealth sanctions'' by regulatory muscle. ''Foreign companies will have to be very careful who their partners in Russia are,'' Ash said.

American agencies will probe deeper into the origin of funds, using money-laundering codes to tighten the noose. Ash said the US would step up sanctions even if there was no direct Russian incursion into mainland Ukraine. Any attempt to destabilise the Ukrainian government would be punished. ''The Kremlin has misread the Americans badly,'' he said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel - emerging as Europe's dominant figure in the crisis - said there had been an ''unbelievable loss of trust in Russia'' since the seizure of Crimea. She called for measures to ensure gas flows could be reversed to supply the most exposed states in eastern Europe.

Professor Alan Riley, from City University, called the comments a ''solidarity statement'', a pledge that Germany would funnel some of its own gas from the Nord Stream pipeline to Poland, Slovakia and others if need be. ''Putin would not dare cut off Germany itself,'' he said.

Riley said the EU had spent €1.3 billion building gas links across Europe since 2009. All new pipelines have reversible flows. ''The EU could probably withstand a cut-off in Russian gas. Putin is far less dangerous today than he was in 2009,'' he said.

The pan-EU group Gas Infrastructure Europe said Europe had plenty of gas at the moment, with 37 billion cubic metres - 47 per cent of storage capacity - as a result of a mild winter. ''Most of the European transmission systems currently can withstand a disruption of Russian gas through Ukraine. The pipeline network is available for diverting gas flows in case of supply problems from Russia, from storage and LNG,'' said the group.

Eight EU states have LNG hubs, the largest two being in Britain and Spain. Poland's new facility will come on stream this year. Gas reliance on Russia is 93 per cent in Slovakia, 83 per cent in Poland, 81 per cent in Hungary, 66 per cent in the Czech Republic and 61 per cent in Austria.

Germany's dependence is 35 per cent. Very little of the country's industry relies on power from gas.

The one island of vulnerability is the Baltic region, where Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania rely completely on Russian gas. There are plans afoot to send a ''regas ship'' to the area capable of supplying LNG to a port in Lithuania. ''President Barack Obama could commandeer all US regas ships in an emergency and send them to harbours in the Baltics,'' Riley said.

The new energy plans were tucked away in the so-called climate dossier of the EU summit, but experts said there should be no doubt that the real aim was to confront Putin.

Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform, said the military tie-in was mostly low-key co-operation on tactical issues. ''This is not NATO by the back door, and we are not going to see EU divisions lining up on the Russian border,'' Bond said.

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